I'd like to share another extract from Little Lucy & the Doctor.
"Go on," he encouraged, reaching out to stroke her hand.
"Well ... I wanted someone to be my Daddy. Not a real father - just someone I could have a relationship with, someone to guide me, play with me, and take care of me; someone who would spank me when I was naughty. As I grew older, that fantasy still held, but I elaborated it to include sex, and ..." She faltered and stared at her coffee cup.
"Someone who'd tell me what to do. I like that idea. It's not that I can't think for myself or anything."
"I know that. I understand completely. Carry on."
She took a deep breath. "Humiliation is a part of it too. I've read stuff on the internet and it's helped me understand that I'm not alone in my feelings, that there are thousands of other women out there who have the same needs and desires as I have....

Little Lucy and the Doctor is available for Kindle from Amazon and in a variety of formats from LSF Publications:
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