Here's a little teaser from Little Molly:
"Oh that's what everyone thinks, and I like it that way. I'm 24."
"You could pass for much younger."
"I know. And I do sometimes," she said with a giggle. "It's kinda fun. And naughty."
"Is it now," he said, flashing her a knowing look. He turned to retrieve the plates and began filling them with bacon, eggs and mushrooms. "Here you go. Tuck in."
"Mmm, thanks, I will." She picked up her fork and eyed him as he went to the fridge to get butter for the toast.
"Guess I'd better do a quick change myself," he said. "I'm dripping water all over the floor. You eat, I'll be down in a minute."
When he returned, he was wearing blue jeans and a black t-shirt, his hair towelled partially dry, and combed. Molly thought he looked sexy as hell.
"Hey - you haven't eaten anything yet - and what on earth is that?" he said, pointing to her plate. The little minx had made a face, using bacon rashers to make beetling eyebrows, mushrooms for eyes, the fried egg resembled a squab nose, and another line of mushrooms coated in tomato sauce formed a grinning mouth. She'd even cut pieces of toast to make a pair of ears and a bow tie.
"It's the breakfast man," she said airily, "and now I have him as I want him, I'm going to eat him all up. You just watch me!" She stabbed a mushroom on the end of her fork and popped it into her mouth.
"Guess I should be thankful you didn't do that with mine." Luke took his seat opposite Molly and began to eat.
"I was tempted," she admitted, a mischievous smile on her face. "But I don't feel as though I know you well enough yet." Yet; the word was loaded with significance. Another mushroom went into Molly's mouth, followed by a piece of toast covered in egg yolk.
"Maybe we should work on that." He watched as a blush rose to her cheeks again. "Seeing as how we're practically neighbours."

Little Molly is available for Kindle from Amazon and in a variety of formats from LSF Publications:
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